Beautifully Broken

You see we’ve all been broken in some way, be it mentally, spiritually, socially, emotionally or financially and what we tend to do is blame it on situations like grief, pain, loss, sickness, abuse, injustice and other storms of life but the truth is that because you’ve been broken doesn’t mean you can’t be better than what you were. Yes, these feelings are real and can really hurt but it’s all about the gold, the art of finding positivity, grace and beauty in all we do. So, the choice is yours, it is either you choose to stay broken by focusing on all the negativities and let these things crush you or get up, fix yourself and find the gold.

Think about a broken ceramic object, to repair objects like this with elegance and grace, the Japanese tends to add gold. In the same way, we must endeavour to always find the gold no matter the circumstances we find ourselves in life. This is certainly not about hiding our imperfections but embracing and honouring it as part of the journey. It's all about being intentional not perfect.You must realise that every brokenness has a purpose- it leads to freedom. Brokenness strengthens us and allows us to realise that we are nothing without Christ. You must understand that Christ is so intentional about making us strong through our weaknesses (James 1:2-4).

There is so much power in intentionality and you must learn to harness it into your life. So, no matter how many times you fall, you must rise again. Running isn’t easy but the joy that comes from winning the race is everlasting. Don’t quit! Prayerfully ask the HolySpirit to help you live a life completely sold out to God and to daily live your life for Him. 

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